collaboration agility innovation

Our Mission:

Share our unique knowledge, experience, and skills to assist clients as they navigate the rapidly changing landscape of public policy, investment, and the evolving maritime digital environment.

Our successful collaborative efforts

  • Resulted in more than $500M in new public and private investment in new physical infrastructures
  • Generated more than $100M in new business revenues
  • Pioneered the first U.S. port community system
  • Protected the waterfront workforce

Our Focus:

For more than 15 years we have been on the leading edge of the U.S. maritime industry’s digital information sharing and visibility efforts. We continue to advance the development of neutral and secure information-sharing solutions to improve visibility and security throughout the global distribution network.

New realities and global competition require the U.S. maritime industry quickly adopt practices and technologies to become more transparent, secure, resilient, and sustainable. We are uniquely qualified to assist our clients during this transformative period.

Our People:

Susan A. Howland, Founder and Principal

Susan is a leader, an innovator, and a visionary. She has developed and successfully executed many complex multi-stakeholder collaborative enterprises on the Delaware River for more than 35 years. Many of these efforts were critical to national security, and homeland security and have improved the competitive position of the Delaware River maritime industrial base. Susan began her career as a staff person to United States Senators Robert Taft, Jr. (R. OH) and John Heinz (R. PA) for nearly ten years. Her professional experience includes projects for investment banks, energy companies, domestic and international maritime-related businesses, government, and not-for-profit organizations. She began the Howland Group, Inc. in 1992 to represent maritime and other transportation-related clients. She is an avid reader, and learner and shares her knowledge and experience by mentoring other entrepreneurs in the industry. Maritime organizations, government, research organizations and the media have acknowledged her work and contributions. Additional professional recommendations and postings are available on LinkedIn at: 

Thomas C. Beck, Senior Vice President

Thomas C. Beck is the Senior Vice President of The Howland Group, Inc. Thomas has been involved with the emerging Smart Container market and High-Value Time Sensitive (HVTS) Cargo Transport. Mr. Beck has also supported overseas efforts to develop the Caucasus Transit Corridor to improve cargo flows throughout Central Asia. He has often highlighted the potential impact of improving information exchanges and reducing transit times on local, regional, and global trade flows. He has worked with senior leadership of both large and small organizations, providing new insights to their organization and/or business environment, often reframing critical issues allowing for creative and effective problem-solving. Thomas has an MBA from Cornell University, as well as an MS and BA in Anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania.

Shelley A. Howland, Chief Operating Officer

Shelley’s career with THG has spanned over 25 years and she has served in several different capacities. Principal among her roles and responsibilities is managing the company’s operations. Additionally, Shelley has managed corporate and client communication projects. Shelley and her communications team was responsible for THG receiving an award for outstanding services from the National Defense Transportation Association where she served on their board. On behalf of THG Shelley holds an associate degree in American Studies from Bucks County Community College as well as several project management certificates. 

Our People:

Trust—is the foundation of collaboration
Integrity—without it you have nothing
Knowledge—learning is dynamic and life-long
Innovation—underpins our thinking and our work
Team Work—no one wins alone
Humility—with it comes wisdom and service